miércoles, 1 de diciembre de 2010

Surviving in Ecosystems

Surviving in Ecosystems

In nature a relationship between 2 kinds of organisms that lasts over a period of time is called symbosis. There are different kinds of symbosis. Sometimes both organisms benefit from the relationship. Sometimes one organism benefits while harming the other. Sometimes only one benefits, and the other is not affected. Let's take a closer look at each kind of symposis


When a relationship between 2 kinds of organisms benefits both of them, it is called mutualism. A strange - looking plant grows in the Mojave Desert of southern California. It's called a Joshua tree, or yucca plant. When this tree's creamy flowers are in bloom, small gray shadows seem to dart from flower to flower.


A relationship in which one kind of organism lives on or in another organism is called parasitism. The organism that live on or in other organisms are called parasites. The organisms they feed on are called hosts. The parasites benefit from the relationship. The hosts arr harmed by it.


A relationship where one organism benefits from another without harming or helping it is called commensalism. Many animals also have this kind of relationship. There are certain tropical fish that live unharmed among the poisonous tentacles of sea anemones provide safety for the fish.

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